- In all things, remember that you are creating Holy Space for our diocese to discern our identity in Christ and how we might partner with God in mission in the years to come. On behalf of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, this committee is to discern which nominees you believe that God is calling us to consider as we prepare to elect the twelfth bishop of the Diocese of Utah.
- We charge the committee to solicit the perspective of both clergy and laity in this process to assist in your work. At the end of this process, the committee will produce a Profile of the diocese and will review the final draft with the full Standing Committee.
- In doing this work, the Standing Committee asks the Nominating Committee to be mindful of our rich past and blessings but dedicated to our future and aware of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
- This Profile is to be posted on our Bishop Search and Diocesan websites and social media sites thus making it available to the larger church. It is expected that the Consultant and our Diocesan Communication Staff will assist the committee in getting the Profile distributed to other Dioceses.
- The Nominating Committee shall ensure that all nominees meet the constitutional and canonical requirements set forth by General Convention of the Episcopal Church: Title III, Canon 1 (2018 edition of the Constitution & Canons)
- The Nominating Committee will present a slate of no fewer than three and no more than five nominees to the Standing Committee to be presented to the Electing Convention of the diocese, which will then elect one individual.
- The Nominating Committee will communicate regularly with the Standing Committee with a written report provided to the President of Standing Committee monthly outlining the activities undertaken, progress made, and obstacles encountered, if any, in the Committee’s work. A Nominating Committee report will be shared with the diocese via the Bishop Search website.
- It is understood that each person on the Nominating Committee will be available for all meetings and will devote the necessary time to do what is required to represent the diocese in this process. If for some unforeseen reason a member feels they are no longer able to carry out their responsibilities, it is expected the member will make their concerns known to the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
- The members of the Nominating Committee will work within the budget given by the Standing Committee.
- The members of the Nominating Committee will work within the timeline for the process which is expected to be published shortly after the organizing retreat of the Nominating Committee.
- The Nominating Committee will use the Transition Consultant and Chaplain appointed by the Standing Committee as its primary resource in leadership and spiritual guidance as it goes about its work.
- All matters before the Nominating Committee and deliberations of the Nominating Committee are to be held in the strictest confidence, including the names of the persons being considered. These confidences are to be kept forever after regarding the identities and conversations with all candidates whom the committee will consider.
- We ask that the committee pay careful attention to the needs of all nominees and their families. The Standing Committee is committed to a process that upholds the dignity of everyone involved. This would include a timely and dignified response to those that are not moved forward.
- During the entire process, the Nominating Committee will take the opportunity to educate the diocese about the role and responsibilities of bishops and will foster unity of purpose among the people of the diocese. It will be their responsibility to prepare and issue the official report of the committee to the diocese at convention.
- As members of the Diocese of Utah, know that we will pray for you and give you the support necessary to fulfil your charge. You have our full trust and deep gratitude for the work you are committing to accomplish. May God who has given you the ability to fulfill this ministry, give you the grace to accomplish it.