Nominating Committee Update | Mike Mitchell

With Bishop Hayashi’s announcement of his retirement in the fall of 2021, a Nominating/Search Committee has been elected to coordinate the process of calling our next bishop. Since going on retreat with our consultant, The Very Rev. Ron Clingenpeel, we have organized into subcommittees to start the search process and facilitate the work that needs to be done. Our immediate focus has turned to two of the subcommittees:

Listening/Focus Groups.  This committee will look for ways to gain your input on what you’re looking for   in our next Bishop. Through conducting a survey, meeting with the clergy and holding a breakout session at Diocesan Convention, we hope to learn more about what’s working well in the diocese, what challenges we face and what hopes you have for the future. We will be using an outside organization that is skilled in preparing surveys, which will be easy to access online or with paper copies.

Profile.  The profile is a document to help potential candidates understand the diocese and what we are looking for in our next Bishop.  It will include information from listening sessions, the history and a financial overview of the Diocese, as well as descriptions of diocesan and congregational ministries and our Mission Statement.

The Listening/Focus Group is in the process of developing a survey to ask for your input.  The surveys will be sent to each of our parishes with directions for how all of you can access it.  We need your input and hope you will take the time to participate in the survey.

Blessings and Peace,

Mike Mitchell

Nominating Committee



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